What's new in November?

Internal Job Posting (IJP)

We have got the following enhancements to IJP in the previous month:

  1. Upon an employee applying for a job via IJP, their details added to My Profile will be fetched automatically to the Employee Information on the candidate card.

  2. You can now enable or disable the link to your organization's IJP from the Overview page. By default, it will be available on the Overview page. For removing the same, please contact your Skillate POC.

  3. If you wish to send an acknowledgment email upon an employee applying for a job via IJP, toggle the button ON from the Settings > Administration > Organization > Configuration > Send IJP Apply Acknowledgement Mail.

Feature Enhancement

  1. Position Mapping: We have the following changes in the flow of position mapping:

    Case1: From Jobs > About > Position Mapping
    If there is more than one position mapped to an assignee and while updating the assignee- it prompts you to confirm if all the positions assigned to the respective assignee should be updated or just the selected one.

    Case 2: From Jobs > About > Hiring Team
    While changing the Recruiter assigned to a job, you will be prompted to confirm if all the positions assigned to the respective recruiter should be updated or just the selected one.

  1. View interview round name on the calendar invite email: Toggle the button ON for Add round name on the interview calendar event from Settings > Administration > Organization > Configuration.

UI Enhancements

  1. You can now rearrange the candidate details by drag and drop, and we have enabled editing and deleting features for the available fields.

    Please check them out by navigating to the Candidate About page either from 
    Candidates > Candidate Profile > About or Jobs > Candidates > Candidate Profile > About.

  2. If the candidate’s first source is either Agency, Referral, or Internal (for profiled via IJP), we have introduced new tags for distinguishing them easily.

Over to you...

We’ve covered all new updates in this release note and our teams continue to work on all sorts of improvements that we can’t wait to see you put to use.

We look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] 

Until next time,

The Skillate Team

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