Auto Screening feature in Skillate allows recruiters to automate the chatbot screening process by sending out the chatbot invite to candidates as soon as they are added to the job. 

As for the Bulk Invite feature, it lets recruiters send chatbot screening invites to a large number of candidates in a single go.

Pre-requisite: Configure an active chatbot to the job.

Enabling Auto Screening

  1. For enabling auto screening for chatbot, navigate to the Job > Source Candidates > Chatbot Screening > Chatbot Screen Configuration
  2. Toggle the button ON for Turn On Auto Screening.
    Enabling Auto Screening

Note: You will have to enable the chatbot screening in order to have the auto-screening option available.

Bulk Invite

For inviting candidates in bulk for chatbot screening, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Job > Source Candidates > Chatbot Screening > Bulk Invite.
    Bulk Invite Candidate for Screening

  2. Click on Select and Invite. 

  3. In the following pop-up, you will have to choose the set of candidates you would like to send the bulk invite from the drop-down menu.
    Bulk Invite Candidate for Screening

  4. You will have two options to choose from:
    - invite those candidates who are in the screen stage of the job
    - invite those candidates who are not added to the job, but match the job.

  5. In either of the above cases, you can choose the number of matching candidates to send the bulk invite.

  6. Click on Send Invite to complete the process. 

  7. All the candidates matching the criteria will receive a link for chatbot screening via email and SMS with the link for chatbot screening.