Having a feedback questionnaire added to a job, the interviewers or reviewers can provide ratings and feedback through this questionnaire. Skillate allows recruiters to configure Questionnaires as per the job requirement. These can be associated with a job through a hiring plan.

If you haven’t configured the questionnaire yet, follow the steps mentioned in this article. For a particular job, you can associate a feedback questionnaire from the feedback library. 

This article helps you understand - How to add a feedback questionnaire to a job?

Permission: Site Admin, Job Admin

Adding a feedback questionnaire to a job:

  • Navigate to any Job > About > Hiring Plan

  • Select or create the stage or the round where you want to receive feedback from the interviewer. 

  • Click Configure corresponding to the round.

  • In the configuration window, scroll down to the Questionnaire section. You can add a questionnaire by any of the three methods as follows:

  • Create a new questionnaire by clicking on Create a section: Learn more here.
  • Import from an existing job:
    • Click on Import from a job. 
    • Select a job from the drop-down list and the feedback questionnaire(s) added to the respective job will be displayed.
    • Choose all the required questionnaires and click on Save.
      Questions from selected questionnaires will be added to the Questionnaire section.
  • Import from Library:
    • Click on Import from Library.
    • Select all the required sections from the pre-defined questionnaires and click on Import.
    • Selected ones will be added to the Questionnaire section.

A question can be of the following type

  1. Paragraph - to collect subjective answers from the interviewers

  2. Single Select - to ask in terms of yes or no

  3. Upload - to collect assignment submissions 

These questions will be available to the interviewer/reviewers when they receive the invite to submit feedback.